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“I am a punk and a Buddhist,

And I'm not conflicted at all.“


Wisdom of the Punk Buddha is the perfect amalgamation of thoughtful poetry and the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime of Buddhist philosophy and knowledge and devotion to the punk scene. Built around a series of easy to digest life lessons. It’s a book that poses a simple question - “Do you want to be better person? Do you want to be better tomorrow than you were today?” If the answer is yes, then your journey to punk rock and personal enlightenment begins here... Tim Cundle, Mass Movement


A mixture of very enjoyable punk poetry and Buddhist thought... designed to help you make sense of the world and your place in it. This book shows that a lot of punk rock thoughts and ideas can be found in Buddhism, if you look at it the way Sam Marsh does. Tony Whatley, Suspect Device


Wisdom of the Punk Buddha teaches us about true punk rock ethos, principles of Buddhism, love, peace, unity, wisdom, and many other topics through a comprehensive collection of thoughtfully written poems. The author shares his thoughts, observations, and criticism but also takes time to explain some background too. Wisdom of the Punk Buddha is a must read for every bookworm punkrocker. Djordje Miladinović, Thoughts Words Action



"About a year ago
I started doing poems at punk gigs In between songs.

People would come up to me and say 'love the poems mate,
You should do more'.

So I started doing more poems In between punk songs

People would come up to me and say 'You’re doing too many poems mate, You should do less'"



Punks are really nice, but many people are scared of them. Punks definitely have an attitude, and this can be deemed intimidating if you don’t know how to read it. Even though punks are lovely, they are not afraid to vent their anger at the state of the world, and protest against all the terrible things that some people do. This is why punk music sounds so aggressive - it’s getting all that anger out.

At the core of punk attitude is love - yearning for a better world where people can live in harmony and peace, free from suffering. It’s the same attitude that Buddhists have, and that’s why I’m a Punk Buddhist, and I’m not conflicted at all.


90 page paperback (and ebook). ISBN 9781739363857. Available now.

Wisdom of the Punk Buddha by Sam Marsh

SKU: 9781739363857

    For any enquiries, please contact Earth Island Books.

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    Pickforde Lodge, Pickforde Lane, Ticehurst, East Sussex, TN5 7BN, UK

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