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Directions to the Outskirts of Town: Punk Rock Tour Diaries from Nineties North America by Welly Artcore.


In 1994 punk rock fanzine writer Welly Artcore jumped in the van with legendary British punk band CHAOS U.K. for a two month tour around the U.S. Four years later he did it all again with his own band, FOUR LETTER WORD, this time also travelling across Canada.

From the impossible drives, to scrapes with the authorities, and the bands they shared stages and floors with along the way, often with nothing more than the name of a club on a scrap of paper that turned out to be a disused unit in an industrial estate, they somehow made most of the gigs. 

All the while, he did something so many others don’t, he wrote it all down.

'Directions to the outskirts of town' is a candid and humorous account of life on the road packed into a 6” x 9” paperback with over 300 pages, over 250 unpublished colour photos, flyers and illustrations, and a foreword by Kaos of CHAOS U.K.


This great new punk rock tour diary, packed with anecdotes and photos, comes with a poster and bookmark. The first printing of the books are shipping out right now.


This book can also be ordered locally, worldwide, from mom & pop book stores as well as chains such as Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, etc and also online from amazon in most countries.

Directions To The Outskirts Of Town by Welly Artcore

SKU: 9781838356743

For any enquiries, please contact Earth Island Books.

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