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“The ultimate SubHumAns history”


Trust Fanzine review ‘Silence Is No Reaction

So far I read only like 10 pages, but decided to split the review up. The book came out summer last year (2023) and got here a bit late. By the time I finish reading those more than 600 (!!!) pages I will probably lose my mind and in order not to, it will take me forever, since I will read other books. The problem here: the author seems not in a position to concentrate on the basics, but is a big fan of putting everything into his books. So you end up with texts so long and so uninteresting it drives one mad, unless of course, you like this kind of writing. Anyway, I plan on finishing the book, but it would be unfair to wait until I manage, but I will write then part two of the review. So: This is the ultimate SubHumAns history. From the very beginning, with all the details a die-hard fan wants to know, until now. Tons of photos, flyers, quotes from the band members and other people. There are two appendixes, one discography and one gigography (1263 gigs listed!). That was nice, I was at concert 90, in summer 1983, Liverpool. I let you know how much of my mind, or at least my patience, I lost trying to read this compendium. 640 pages, paperback.

Review by Dolf Hermannstädter for Trust fanzine

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