Here's a couple of photos of the brilliant Brian Walsby with the new posters of his artwork for Alex Anesiadis 90's hardcore and pop-punk book 'We can be the new wind'...

This is what Brian had to say "I drew the cover of what I am sure is a great book (it’s on the way in the mail from overseas) and the publisher sent me some posters they made of the front and back cover. Looks good! I am amazed that no one has yet done a book about other places you could go musically after eighties punk and hardcore instead of speedmetal or straight edge hardcore. That is a huge playing field to be sure and I am sure it’s going to do well".

The early prints were on lighter stock but these posters have now been slightly redesigned and reprinted on heavier weight paper stock. They are going out with all copies of the book ordered from Earth Island Books, along with a limited edition bookmark.