AUTHOR: Jared Forman

Jared Forman
Punk Rock filled a gap Jared didn't know existed in his life. He first stumbled across the scene when learning to skateboard, and as one band inevitably led to another, it soon became his overbearing and overriding passion. Jared embraced DIY culture without hesitation, releasing his first 7-inch record whilst still in the 10th Grade, and by the time he was eighteen, he was living in his first Punk House, where he stayed for the next seven years.
That house was where Jared became more politically and socially active, where his band, Inept, started through a mutual passion for Food Not Bombs, and booked all their shows (and promoted a lot more for other bands). He gradually fell in love with touring and travel, and journeyed from Coast to Coast, squatting and meeting punks and experienced the duality of ABC No Rio and Gilman Street, two vastly different scene institutions on either end of the United States that were born from a similar need, run with the same purpose and forged from the same ideals
Jared started writing to, interviewing and trading records with people from all over the world, and much later viewed social media as a revolutionary way to bring punks together. His new book, Down The Punk Rock Highway, in a strange sort of way is the story of his life, and the people, places, and music that have made it what it is.